Christmas Blitz 2022

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Our chess club blitz is scheduled for the 8th of December. This is traditionally a really fun event to mark the Christmas season. All members are welcome to attend and play. For those unfamiliar, blitz tournaments are short on time, … Continued

Chess Club Reopening

posted in: chess club news | 0

Our Senior chess club is reopening on Thursday September 1st at 7.15pm. We will commence with a short AGM followed by games between new and old members. Our Junior chess club will reopen the following week on Thursday Sept 8th … Continued

Naomh Barrog vs Elm Mount

posted in: league matches | 0

Our on-line Leinster League season kicked off against Elm Mount. We had a good start and won two and a half to one and a half. On Board one Des opened with a Catalan and soon had a good position … Continued

Chess Club closed

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Last Tuesday would normally have been our first night back after the Summer. Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, the club will remain closed until further notice.

BEA vs Dunshaughlin

posted in: league matches | 0

The BEA team travelled to Dunshaughlin on Monday February 17th and came away with a three and a half to one and a half win. Paddy on Board 1, won early on with a checkmate after the two players castled … Continued

BEA versus Aer Lingus

posted in: league matches | 0

Our BEA team gained a win over third placed Aer Lingus on Tuesday 4th. First to finish was Des on Board 2 in a Kings Indian Defence where he forced a pawn to the seventh rank where to prevent Queening, … Continued