Naomh Barróg A played Elm Mount A away on Monday 13th of January and won 3-2, continuing their winning streak and remaining top of the league.
On board 1, Eric‘s opponent made small mistakes in his defence, and as a result three of his pieces were unable to defend his Rook. On the other hand, Eric had both his Bishops attack the Black King, and eventually pushed his own pawns to remove the last defences. After the attack, Black was left with an exposed king and uncoordinated pieces, and in fact the only active rook was trapped, leading to a short finale.
On board 2, Robert faced a London System in an almost completely even game. He eventually succeeded in getting a passed pawn but was so focused on pushing it that he missed his opponent’s attack on his King. The attack tore a hole in the King’s defences and when his opponent lifted his Rook into the attack, mate couldn’t be stopped.
On board 3, Ola played the London system as White against an opponent that went for a premature Queenside pawn storm. Ola took control over the center while his opponent choose not to castle either side, but instead played an unorthodox Rf8 move. Ola seized the opportunity and chased the Black King on a long journey from e8 to b5. While doing so White picked up most of Black’s pieces. Black resigned on move 28 down two Rooks, a minor piece and a pawn.
On board 4, Paddy‘s opponent played the Jobava London, and he responded with the Queens Indian. His opponent left his King in the centre and advanced his h-pawn, swapping for Paddy’s f-pawn. However his pieces were not coordinated and Paddy managed to develop his and pressured the semi open f-file. The opponent castled into Paddy’s attack and he opened the King’s defences, and while trying to trade pieces his opponent walked into a mate on move 19.
On board 5, Des opened with d4 and Black responded with the Dutch defence. The game became bogged down until Black attacked on the Kingside. White came under pressure and lost a pawn and became hemmed in. In an effort to get counter play, Des moved his Queen out and blundered it while short of time.