BEA B team versus Blanchardstown

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Naomh Barróg B team hosted Blanchardstown for the round 8 game in the BEA Cup North on March 9th.

On board 1, Martin won a bishop for two pawns early on, but had to sacrifice his bishop to prevent his opponent from promoting a pawn. After a hard fought bishop versus knight endgame, the game ended in a draw.

On board 2, Gary played the London against the Smirnov defence but unfortunately made an error and lost the centre pawn. Luckily, his opponent blundered in the endgame and the game ended in a draw.

On board 3, Robert faced the Vienna where most pieces were quickly traded off. However, by winning a pawn and defending well, he went into the endgame with an advantage. Thanks to a more active rook, was able to win the game.

On board 4, John had a very even game in the Chigorin version of the London. However, his opponent got the first attack in and went on to win the game.

On board 5, Amos made his debut for the team and played his first competitive game in 11 years, but unfortunately lost his game.

The final score was 3-2 in favour of Blanchardstown and this result put the team in 6th place in the league.

The B team’s next match will be on March 27th away against Elm Mount B.